Mission statement & Commitment
“AGents” aims at setting clear, transparent definitions and rules to the profession of yacht agent.
Over the last decades, the maritime industry has evolved constantly and so have the related professions and supplying businesses.
The terminology “yacht agent” is not new to the industry but hasn’t got a worldwide official status or definition to rule its attributions and limits.
Being among the pioneers in this field, the founders of the label and network “AGents” have naturally felt the necessity to set their definition, which would become the frame and link for all the affiliated members and a guarantee of quality for the customers.
We, at “AGents” ensure our customers of our values:
At the right intersection between dedicated people, tradition of services and new technologies, here we stand, to offer you nothing but the finest.
Our mission statement is detailed in our QUALITY CHARTER & COMMITMENTS
The essence of the “AGents” missions shall be:
- Representing and assisting vessels (in coordination with the captain, crew and management company) to comply with different entrance procedures from country to country.
- Informing of clearance, visa requirements and expectations from immigration authorities in the respective port (as these can vary not only within the various customs zone but also from one port to another in the same country). The yacht agent must ask and provide the correct documents and facilitate the correct information between the vessel and the authorities.
- Coordinating the requests, availabilities, and reservations for berths at ports.
- Providing quality and reliable general information and moreover, local specific information and knowledge (in the zone of navigation or berthing/mooring).

Aside from this core basis of specialized assistance that a yacht agent must be able to provide, he must also provide quality and reliable coordination for a large panel of the customers’ needs including:
- Courier services / Reception and delivery of post and parcels
- Medical assistance
- Provisioning
- Shopping assistance
- Technical support
- Concierge services
To offer the best support to its customers, the agent must therefore have a local office and infrastructures at direct proximity of the ports that he covers.
He must also have a real foothold in the local basin with an extensive network and a deep knowledge of the quality of the third-party suppliers and of fair market prices.
The yacht agents shall therefore be the central trusted local support for the yacht/vessel before and during his port call, able to provide physical and administrative assistance. We, at “AGents”, commit to these definitions and also to keep on evolving in our work processes and offers, to provide our clients with practical and modern ways.
“AGents” affiliated offices comply and commit:
- To act in good faith in relation to the “AGents” mission statement and definition of the yacht agent’s profession, attributions, and limits.
- To act with due diligence in all operational and administrative tasks.
- To guarantee fair invoicing with full traceability towards clients, suppliers, and administrations.
- To act through a fair relationship (acting to represent the best interest of the client).
- To have trained staff with extensive knowledge of local laws, tax systems and service providers.
- To attribute a referent agent to each customer as central support (office hours) and to offer the availability of a hotline, email assistance and physical staff when full assistance is required (beyond office hours).
- To keep the record of all the customers’ requests, services, documents and archives at disposal.
- To manage efficiently posts and parcels through proprietary and/or local infrastructures/logistic centers in their area of operations.
- To be able to provide the customers with up to date and reliable information about maritime and customs jurisdictions from each covered area / country.